Besse Bailey, a 20-year banking veteran has been promoted to regional market president of Mountain West Bank. The Journal sat down with Bailey to discuss how she got into banking and what she hopes to accomplish in this new role.
Following a 22-year career with Key Tronic Corp. and serving in several financial roles, Brett Larsen has taken the reins as the new CEO and president of the Spokane Valley-based contract manufacturer.
Greg Repetti is retiring from a 42-year career in health care. The Journal recently sat down with him to discuss his career and what advice he has for the next person to take his seat.
Jennifer Lutz has been promoted to president and chief operating officer of Inland Power & Light. Her career in the utilities business started as a communications specialist, after leaving the banking industry in the aftermath of the financial crisis.
The Journal sat down with Colleen Dixon, the new CEO of Spokane-based Selkirk Pharma Inc., to discusswhat the company has been up to in the last couple of years and what Dixon is focused on accomplishing in her new post.