A new bar to be called Berserk is expected to open next month on the ground floor of what was once the old McClintock-Trunkey Co. Warehouse space at 125 S. Stevens, co-owner James Hunt says.
The new business is co-owned by four friends: Hunt, Josh Davis, and married couple Lon and Beth McRae.
“I used to tend bar at Jones Radiator, which is where we all met,” says Hunt. “I’d always dreamed of starting my own place, and eventually the four of us decided we should start something together.”
Hunt says he and his fellow co-owners are leasing the 2,500-square-foot space from the building’s owner, Cody Coombs.
He says the group has been working with Garco Construction Inc., of Spokane, and several other local contractors since January to remodel the space.
“We started from an empty shell, so things were a bit slow at first,” he says. “But we’re hoping to have everything ready to open by May 1.”
Hunt says the bar will feature a selection of eight taps, including mostly regional beers, and also will offer select classic cocktails.
“We want to keep things kind of dark and lounge-like on one side, with pinball machines and a pool table on the other side,” he says.
Hunt says the bar won’t offer a food menu, but will have a heavy focus on local art, particularly First Friday events, and occasional live music.
“We won’t be a venue, but we do want to focus on local artists,” he says. “We figure once we get started, our customer demographic will kind of develop naturally.”