A new ordinance in Kootenai County will save thousands of dollars and months of time for property owners who divide their land to gift or sell to family members.
Strong demand for warehouse space is the driving force behind a Spokane developer's plans to build its third commercial building on the West Plains in as many years.
The Landlord Association of the Inland Northwest has been acquired by the Rental Housing Association of Washington state in a deal that will bring more attention to Spokane-area housing concerns.
Presidential elections can create uncertainty around the stock market. Historically, however, those impacts typically aren’t as dire as some investors may believe.
Taxpayers likely will have to struggle through the adverse impacts and uncertainty associated with research expense capitalization for at least one more tax filing season.
Most teens responding to a Junior Achievement poll say they would take a financial literacy course, however, they say most schools don’t offer such classes.
Mountain West Bank has acquired the former Spokesman-Review building in Coeur d'Alene and plans to relocate its headquarters there in the next couple of years.
Attorney and financial planner Beau Ruff advises: When business owners get even the slightest hint of an interest in exploring sale options, they should engage a valuation expert.
A partnership between Rockwood Retirement Communities and Whitworth University is proving to be beneficial for residents and students at the neighboring Spokane organizations.