Recent high-profile, low-income senior housing projects here valued at some $34 million mark a brief surge in such developments before an impending drought, people involved in the projects say.
The project pipeline for low-income senior housing projects
Great Falls, Mont.-based Western lifestyle retailer Big R Stores has started work on a $4 million expansion of its Coeur d'Alene store.
The expansion project will add 50,000 square feet of floor space to the store at 170 E. Kathleen, nearly tripling it
The city of Spokane Valley has sent out for rebid the planned second phase of the Sullivan Road west bridge replacement project, with the rebid results expected to be delivered on July 29, city spokeswoman Carolbelle Branch says.
At this time, there's
T.W. Clark Construction LLC, of Spokane, has begun work on a $6.6 million project that will replace the 89-year-old Winton Elementary School, in Coeur d'Alene.
The school is located at 920 W. Lacrosse, about a mile northwest of downtown Coeur d'Alene
Acme Concrete Paving Inc., of Spokane, is the apparent low bidder on an about $7.8 million second phase of a taxiway reconfiguration project at the Spokane International Airport, and expects to be awarded the job, says Robert Seghetti, president of Acme.
Pet Emergency Clinic PS, currently located at 21 E. Mission north of downtown, plans to construct a larger veterinary office building on an adjacent lot, a predevelopment application submitted to the city of Spokane shows.
A California-based contractor and real estate developer has obtained building permits for 20 duplex structures valued at $124,800 each in north Coeur d'Alene.
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell last week joined Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price, co-chair of the bipartisan coalition of Mayors for Parks, to announce that $43.4 million will be distributed from the Land and Water Conservation Fund to all 50 states,
The city of Spokane has sent out for rebid the contract for a projected $3.7 million combined sewer overflow tank to be built on east Sprague Avenue near the Hamilton overpass, says city spokeswoman Marlene Feist.
Meridian Construction Inc., the Spokane Valley-based general contractor and construction management concern, has begun to expand its operations by getting into property development, says owner Mark D'Agostino.