Strong demand for warehouse space is the driving force behind a Spokane developer's plans to build its third commercial building on the West Plains in as many years.
The Landlord Association of the Inland Northwest has been acquired by the Rental Housing Association of Washington state in a deal that will bring more attention to Spokane-area housing concerns.
A group of private sector stakeholders are making an aggressive push to effect change in the Spokane area with the creation of the newly formed Spokane Business Association, where a longtime public executive known for his effective communication, convening, and collaboration, has been chosen to lead the organization.
Coeur d’Alene Tractor Co., which does business as Adams Tractor of Spokane, is developing a $6 million facility on the West Plains to replace a smaller leased facility in the city of Spokane.
Stratford Building Corp. has launched a new product line of accessory dwelling units, dubbed Living Small by Stratford, aimed at providing another housing option in the Pacific Northwest region.
Mountain West Bank has acquired the former Spokesman-Review building in Coeur d'Alene and plans to relocate its headquarters there in the next couple of years.
Development is underway on a $20 million retail center in Post Falls, dubbed North Point Plaza, which will be anchored by a 16,000-square-foot Grocery Outlet store.